Jesse Lee Watts

A heartfelt singer-songwriter with time-stopping live shows.

Jesse Lee Watts is a multi-instrumentalist and producer based in Texas, specializing in guitar and vocals. Originally from Colorado, he grew up in a musical family and toured with his father, falling in love with the art of writing and performing from an early age. Jesse's music is a unique blend of alt-country, pop folk, and indie, drawing influence from a wide range of artists including Donovan Woods, Phoebe Bridgers, Henry Jamison, David Ramirez, and The Japanese House. Jesse writes, records, and produces his music, as well as that of other artists, in his home studio in Texas. Over the past ten years, he's honed his craft through writing and performing at open-mic nights. It was through these live experiences that he realized the importance of sharing both the dark and light aspects of life through his art, encouraging others to embrace their complexities.For bookings and other inquiries,Jesse Lee Watts can be reached at:

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Press / Reviews

If you’re needing to soak in lyrics that inspire your soul and music that makes you want to dance or draw or bake or write…. If you’re needing someone to make you laugh and feel not so alone in this silly world- listening to Jesse Watts is just what the doctor will prescribe. His music is the purest dose of healing balm. ” - Kellye Tilford
An unforgettable experience. His music resonates with the soul and leaves you wanting more.” - Jeff Brown
